Offering competitive pricing that makes this an easy decision
Our Offer
For Retail Reload it’s a new era of RFID focused on SaaS software solution that drive omnichannel success to provide captivating experiences for the connected consumer.
We are hardware agnostic and 100% focused on business solutions that deliver value day after day. We will use your existing hardware or provide end-to-end solutions through our strategic partner network to deliver more with less investment than traditional RFID providers.
Simple. Staged. SaaS.
Delivering value today and tomorrow
We understand retailers are at different stages of unified commerce & omnichannel.
Retail Reload can deliver what you need today and plan for future growth.
Stage your RFID deployment starting with our ‘Smart Store’ model and receive value early and often as you work to achieve a full unified omnichannel deployment.
Our cost-effective SaaS model makes it possible to prove ROI for first time RFID implementations as well as RFID projects that have yet succeeded in showing value.
Start simple in store with multiple out of the box benefits
Smart Store
Streamline time-consuming store operations
Unified Omnichannel
Achieve full unified inventory management and omnichannel capabilities
Where are you in your RFID journey?
Let us show you the best path to unified inventory omnichannel success
Have pilot store(s) live in less than 4 months with proven ROI in 7 months. Hardware from best in class providers – our strategic partners or your own choice. Follow your journey building from simple store RFID to unified inventory & omnichannel at your own speed and reap the rewards of RFID with our SaaS software solutions




All Paths Lead to Success Starting with the Pilot
Our customer pilots do not end there – proven ROI leads to full deployments
A Pilot is a critical step no matter where you start from but we take a new refreshing approach building the business value & ROI model up front for your business so we know where successes will occur and where you will realize business value. Our customers have all deployed following Pilots and have realized ROI in 7 Months or Less.

Pilot a store in less than a year for under $100K all inclusive.
Prove out your ROI & achieve a sustainable omnichannel conversion
Full RFID program including tags and hardware for a pilot and a deployment
Our Partners & Collaborators
Extended staff & support
We are a software company that is hardware independent. Whatever stage you are in, we can provide just software or an end-to-end solution through our best in class infrastructure partners delivering all-in-one solutions globally for hardware, network communications, technical support.